Friday, August 21, 2009

Double UGH!

So much for staying the course this week on my training plan! Yesterday, as I had feared, I was not able to work in my bike ride. In the morning, it was raining too hard to safely venture out (on my brother's fancy bike), and in the evening I had to be downtown for race prep.

The race prep was very valuable in that they walked us through what to expect on the day of the race. They gave an overview of the course, talked about the transition area (and how to set it up), gave pointers on things to bring and not to bring, and answered a wide range of questions from the team. I think the part that sunk in the most for me was that we have to check in at the transition area at 4:00am. That is not a misprint. 4:00am.

Anyone who knows me well will attest that I am NOT a morning person! This is going to be challenging! I was already worried about how well I'll perform doing a morning triathlon (thinking 8am or later) since I do most of my training at night; but I had no idea that the day would start THAT early. I've decided to try being an 'early to bed, early to rise' kind of guy the rest of the week to see if I can adjust my body clock a little in that direction.

Aside from the time shocker, I was glad to learn more about race day and feel like I have a better handle on what to expect. I am now starting to feel a genuine mix of excited anticipation and mild dread. I imagine it will gnaw at me more as the event draws near.

Tonight was my swim training session. My brother sent me a cool online virtual swim trainer that shows the perfect swim stroke from all angles. I studied that a little last night and was looking forward to seeing how much I could improve my stroke - since this is one of my last swim training sessions before the race. I also ate some gel cubes when I got to the gym to see how my stomach handles them when I exercise.

Donned in swimsuit and goggles... anxious to try out my new swim techniques... energized by some unnatural gelatinous substance to fuel my swim... I headed out to the pool. As I mentally recited my routine for the evening (200m warm-up, 3x50m drills, 1x800m TI4 / TI2 alternating intensities, 1x100m 'spot the buoy', and 100m cool down) it took me a minute to notice that no one was in the pool area other than some kid who was brushing down the main lap pool.

He looked at me for a minute with that "what are you, some kind of moron?" look, opened the door I just walked through, and pointed emphatically to the sign that said "all indoor pools are closed for the evening due to a special concert event sponsored by the gym". He politely suggested that the outdoor pool was open until 8pm (weather permitting) but it was raining and 62 degrees, so they may shut that down soon, too. 'Nuff said. Of course I didn't bring any other gym clothes, so I couldn't change plans and run or bike.

Missing the swim was part two of my 'Double UGH' title for tonight's blog. Part one was missing the bike yesterday.

I guess I'll try to make up the swim this weekend. Tomorrow morning is a 'mini-brick' workout, where we will alternate between run and bike several times. After that, start the 'taper down' process.

I'm sure the mini-bricks will be a good workout, and I really hope to work in one more swim.

We're heading down the home stretch! I expect this will be a long week. Stay tuned!

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