Saturday, August 29, 2009

Twas the Night Before Triathlon...

Well, the time has come! I've trained as much as I'm going to train. I've prepped as much as I'm going to prep. I'm carbo-loaded from a big pasta dinner tonight. I'm charged up by some very inspirational speakers who reminded me exactly why I'm doing this. And I'm ready to go!

I check in at the transition area at 4am, and my wave will start at 9:15am. So, I should be done by early afternoon, and I plan on making good use of the beer tent afterwards! ;-)

Thanks to all my family, friends, and colleagues who have contributed, and for the tremendous amount of encouragement and support you've provided me throughout! This has been a tremendous experience, and I feel proud not only of my journey, but of all the people who have helped along the way.

I'll post final numbers in the near future, but suffice it to say that not only did we do a great job in fundraising for LLS, but Team in Training sailed past their overall goal, and broke a record doing it! That's quite an accomplishment considering the economy... and it's a testament to what a great cause it is.

Anyway, I'll check in tomorrow night and let you know how it went. Good night all! And thanks again!

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