Thursday, August 27, 2009

Only One More Day of Training, and then... !!!

This has been a taper-down week, meaning my training sessions have been MUCH easier this week than previous weeks. Over the weekend we worked in our last major training sessions, and then scaled WAY back.

Saturday was what they call a 'mini-brick'. In this training session, we did three rounds alternating between bike (20 minutes) and run (15 minutes) - totaling 60 minutes of bike and 45 minutes of run. It was an absolutely gorgeous morning, and I really enjoyed it! Even better... I felt strong throughout. I ultimately did almost the distance of the course, so if that was any indicator of what to expect in the race I should be in pretty good shape. Of course, there's always the swim first though...

Sunday was 50 minutes on the bike. This was another beautiful day and another strong performance. I went further on this ride than I have on any of my previous 50 minute jaunts. Again, it encouraged me for the race.

Monday was a rest day. I thought about trying to make up for the swim I missed on Friday, but decided against it. The coaching team has been very insistent that this week is for tapering - and NOT to over-train. For once, I'll listen and obey.

Tuesday was a 30 minute bike. Since I had dropped the bike off at the shop for a pre-race tune up, I decided to go to the gym and ride on the spin cycle. BIG MISTAKE. I worked up a pretty good sweat in the 30 minutes, and felt good as I was leaving the gym. But as I got into the car, I noticed that I had strained my lower left back a little bit. No big deal... but I should have known better than to switch from a regular bike to spin cycle this late in my training plan. As the evening went on, the back strain started hurting more and more. It wasn't until I woke up at 2am in agonizing pain that I realized I could have a real problem here. I went downstairs, popped some ibuprofen, and iced it down.

Wednesday, when I woke up, it still hurt - but I could tell that it was already on the mend. I did lots of stretching and decided not to dwell on it. By end of day Wednesday, it was feeling much better.

And I was glad, too, because Wednesday evening was the last open water swim exercise. We did a 'corral practice' in Lake Michigan. This is where we all jumped in the water in our wetsuits, floated in a tight group in water too deep to stand, and practiced our starting strategies. Faster / stronger swimmers lined up in front, weaker swimmers toward the back. The strategy is to let all the fast people go first so they don't trample the slow people. I positioned myself with the slow group, but think that perhaps I will end up more in the middle of the pack. We'll see.

To add a little adventure to the exercise, the weather gods decided to treat us with 60 degree temperatures and rain. The lake was very choppy, and it was FREEZING! On my way down to the beach, some people stopped me and said 'aren't you freezing in shorts'??? I said that I was much more concerned about how cold it was going to be when I jump in the lake. They thought I was kidding. When I told them I was serious, they were so incredulous they had to follow and watch. They got a real kick out of the whole spectacle!

After the swim, we walked down to the transition area and got a first-hand look at the environment we'll have to navigate on Sunday. Once the transition area is set up, I'll have to walk the route a couple times to make sure I've got a good strategy on how to get through the transition process quickly and efficiently.

Tonight was just a 15 minute run. Of course, the weather gods were still having their fun. It was upper 50's and raining when I ran. I was pretty soaked by the time I got back to the house. I hope I don't get pneumonia before the race! At least my back is almost completely recovered. Just get me to the race in tact, I ask!

Tomorrow is a light swim. Then Saturday I head down for registration and the big expo. I'll buy some race paraphernalia such as a race belt (which clips on my race number without having to safety pin) and a chip strap (which will hold my computer chip that tracks my progress). I'm sure I'll pick up a bunch of other stuff I really don't need, too.

I'll post at least one more time before the race. I've had a few questions about whether there is an option to track my race online. I have not found that option anywhere, but I will confirm and let folks know in my next blog entry.

Almost there!!!

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