Thursday, June 25, 2009

Terrible Twos

Tuesday night I had two workouts - strength training and swimming. Two days later, at the peak of muscle soreness from the strength training, I had two more workouts... this time 45 minutes on the bike and then another round of strength training. The biking went OK once I got my legs moving on the spin cycle. But the strength training was brutal!!!

After torturing my legs some more on a variety of weight machines, we moved on to a '15 to 1' program. This consisted of three exercises: weighted rows, pushups, and 'thrusts' (starting in a squat position with a barbell hoisted on shoulders, then thrusting upwards to propel the barbell to full length above head and shoulders and returning to shoulders - then squat and do it again). The first rotation included 15 reps of each, then 14 reps, then 13 reps, etc, etc... all the way down to one.

I knew I was in trouble when another trainer looked to Janelle and said, "oh my God... are you trying to kill him???". He said this when he noticed I had stopped during the thrusts and Janelle was urging me on saying, "C'mon Scott, just 6 more!". He thought she was pushing me too hard just doing the 6 more. What he didn't know was that I was on my FIRST set of thrusts, meaning 6 more reps was just to finish that set of 15! I had 14 more rounds to go at that point!!! Somehow, I made it through the whole session without collapsing and only some mild sobbing.

The problem is... I am SO SORE already! I have a feeling I'll barely be able to lift my arms tomorrow. It should be interesting when I go for my swim tomorrow night. I'll keep you posted...

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