Monday, June 29, 2009

Still Tri-ing

It's been a few days since I posted my blog, but I haven't missed a beat on my training! Friday night I swam, Saturday morning I went downtown for nutrition class and a run, Sunday was my day of rest (well... at least from triathlon training), and today was a bike ride.

The swim was REALLY tough! I started out with a 200m warmup, and then 4 x 75m workouts, with 25m at Training Intensity 2, then 25m at TI3, and 25m TI4. I had 45 second breaks between each set of 75m. Then I did three 200m stints at training intensity 3, 4, and 3 - with 1 minute breaks in between sets. TI4 is pretty much a sprint. While I did OK at the 75m sprints, I found that 200m at level 4 is almost impossible (at least for me... where I'm at right now...). I had to take 10-20 second breaks every 50m or so at level 4, although I did OK at level 3. I wrapped up with a 200m cool-down, and was totally spent when I was done.

The run Saturday morning was nice... 55 minutes on a beautiful day in downtown Chicago. I really enjoyed that, and got a lot of good tips on both nutrition and race strategies. I was really glad I made the trip down there - even though I did have to be there at 8am on a Saturday morning.

The bike today was also really good. This was my third trek on the 'fancy bike', and I'm becoming a lot more comfortable on it. I rode for 55 minutes on suburban roads, and I think I did pretty well. I was far more confident in my riding ability, and the traffic didn't bother me nearly as much as it did last time. I think I'm getting the hang of this, although I do need a lot more practice. I did, however, manage to screw up the little bike computer, and will have to spend some time figuring out exactly how I did it. While trying to figure out how to reset the odometer and start a new stopwatch, I somehow managed to switch the entire interface to (German? Austrian? Something like that...). Don't ask me how... I'm usually pretty good with this kind of stuff!

Tomorrow is another double-header with strength training and swimming. Wish me luck!

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