Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Today's training included a 40 minute run of low to medium intensity. Normally, that would be a piece of cake, but I'm in Scottsdale this week and ran outside instead of on the treadmill. Even though it was after 6pm, and relatively cool for this time of year
  • Cracked and bleeding lips (OK... not bleeding yet, but VERY dry!)
  • Dusty, itchy eyes (every time I blink, clouds of dust poof from my eyeballs)
  • Salt licks form on my face (sweat evaporates too fast... just leaves the salt behind)

    So maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit. But I will say it was more draining than I anticipated. I guess it's good that I'm conditioning my body for various types of weather. Actually, I'm a little nervous about what it will be like to bike and run in Chicago when it's 90+ degrees and 70% humidity!

    Tomorrow I need to work in a bike ride somehow. I have no choice but to go for a machine since I don't have a bike with me... but where and when? Hmmmm.... I'll have to figure that out tomorrow. Perhaps an early morning exercise is in the cards. UGH!

    Until tomorrow...

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